ULYSSES Network Audience Research 2018

01/2018 HfMT – DE


The Audience Research branch of the ULYSSES project investigates audience experiences of new music and the impact of audience development strategies for this art form in Europe.

It was launched at the end of 2016 and the first research visits to some of the the ULYSSES partner institutions took place in 2017.

You can find below the research visits that are planned for 2018.

Thanks to these visits, audience data from a range of different new music events all across the network is being collected.  The idea is to include and to compare events that mix new music with works from other genres/time periods, and that might take place outside of the traditional concert hall setting or have educational/outreach features, with concerts presented in more conventional formats and settings.

This will allow for the comparison of audience demographics between the ULYSSES partners and of the success of different concert formats and audience outreach initiatives. Do features such as pre-performance talks enrich audience members’ experiences of a concert with contemporary music?

Does an unconventional or more informal setting make them more likely to attend a new music event again in the future? How does the audience for new music differ across Europe and how do these potential differences relate to the aims and actions of individual institutions?


Complementing this main survey of new music events will be a smaller survey of audiences at classical music concerts and possibly other genres, to be conducted at those ULYSSES partners that offer events over a wider range of musical genres (e.g. Flagey or Royaumont Foundation).

Through this, it will be possible to gain a sense of what ‘non-visitors’ of contemporary music events think about the genre and what could encourage their attendance in future.


Research Visits 2018:


Flagey (Brussels, BE): 28th January 2018


Divertimento Ensemble (Milano, IT): 14th May 2018


Time of Music (Viitasaari, FI): 6th-8th July 2018


International Summercourse Darmstadt (Darmstadt, DE): 19th-22nd July 2018


Royaumont Foundation (Royaumont, FR): 8th+9th September 2018


Ultima Festival (Oslo, NO): 21st September 2018


organized in partnership with Divertimento Ensemble - ITFlagey - BEIMD - DETime of Music - FIUltima - NO

ULYSSES Journey for Performers

Conducting Course


Young ensemble in residency - Ensemble Schallfeld

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