Audience Research Project – Final presentation

10/2020 Online

At the occasion of the ULYSSES Network final partners’ meeting, we publically present the results of the Audience Research Project implemented since 2017 all over Europe.


If you are interested in the following questions:

What do audiences value about engaging with contemporary classical music? What are their experiences with the challenges newly composed works can pose? How does this compare to other contemporary arts? And how can it reach a larger, more diverse public?

make sure to join!


With Gina Emerson and Sarah Price.


Presentation initially scheduled in April 2020, canceled due to Covid-19 pandemic,
now rescheduled as an online presentation on 26th October 2020, 5.30 pm CET.


A video recording of the presentation is available here:

You can download the handbook  « Understanding Audiences for the Contemporary Arts » here.

And find on Gina Emerson’s website a short research report from the Audience Research project implemented within the ULYSSES Network:  Audience Experience of CCM_Emerson_042020.





organized in partnership with EPCC - EEFlagey - BEGaudeamus - NLHfMT- DEIEMA - DEIMD - DEimpuls - ATIrcam - FRRoyaumont foundation - FRSnape Maltings - UKTime of Music - FIUltima - NO

ULYSSES Journey for Performers

Conducting Course


Young ensemble in residency - Ensemble Schallfeld

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